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3-Step Night Skin Care Regime for Glowing Skin?

How to Establish a Simple 3-Step Night Skin Care Regime for Glowing Skin?

Why a Night Skin Care Regime is Important?

Using a Sunscreen when You go out in the Sun is Important. But it is only One Part of the Overall Plan to Protect Your Skin from Harmful Rays. What’s the Other?

One of the Most Common Factors that causes Pigmentation, Ageing Spots, Uneven Skin Tone etc. is Over Exposure to the Sun. It may not be possible for it to be able to Block 100% of Sunrays & the Wear & Tear that happens throughout the Day Needs to be Fixed.

Whereas Establishing a Simple, Effective, & Easy Night Skin Care Regime becomes an Essential Part of Any Skin Care Routine.

Step 1 : Start Cleansing with AGE’s Green Tea & Honey Face Wash.

Your Skin Needs to be Free from Impurities, Make-up & Sunscreen Residue. You will have Canvas like Skin and it will also absorb the Products You will Apply a lot More Effectively.

Step 2 : Tone your Skin with AGE’s Cucumber & Papaya Face Toner.

What are the Benefits of using AGE’s Cucumber & Papaya Face Toner?

Even if You keep Your Skin Care Shelves on the Bare Minimum Side, there are a Couple of Additions that can make a World of Difference in the Look, Feel & Long-Term Quality of the Skin. One of those Products is AGE’s Cucumber & Papaya Skin Toner.

It’s a Lightweight, Liqueur-Free, Hydrating Toner. It can successfully Balance the PH Level of the Skin, also Limits the Presence of Obvious Pores & can Immediately Revive the Skin & give Incredibly Cooling & Moisturising Properties.

Step 3 : AGE’s Turmeric Night Serum

We all have heard about Skin Enhancing Properties of Turmeric from our Grand Mothers. Now it’s Time to Incorporate it into Our Skin Care Routine.

Major Benefits of AGE’s Turmeric Night Serum are the ability to Lighten Up Marks, Acne Marks, Reduce Hyperpigmentation, Evens Out Skin Tone, and Improves Complexion by Removing Tanning. It's Antioxidant so it's Anti-Ageing as well.