Olivier & Schreiber PC Profile

Olivier & Schreiber PC

Olivier & Schreiber PC

Olivier & Schreiber PC is a leading team of Bay Area labor and employment attorneys representing clients nationwide for employment. Contact us for skilled legal representation. For More Details visit us @ https://os-legal.com/

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Discrimination Attorneys Oakland


Many Bay Area employers engage in unlawful discrimination against employees in one way or another. If you suspect you were a victim, reach out to a discrimination attorney in Oakland.Employment discrimination continues to be a problem for many people in California, despite strict state and federal laws prohibiting such conduct.


Wrongful Termination Attorneys Napa County


Wrongful termination is a life-changing incident. Our San Francisco employment lawyers at Olivier & Schreiber LLP will help you pursue necessary compensation. Employment in California is considered “at will,” meaning an employer typically can fire its employees for any reason or no reason – but an employer cannot fire an employee for an illegal reason.


Equal Pay Attorneys San Francisco


Despite clear laws, many employees continue to engage in unequal and discriminatory pay practices. If you believe you are a victim, don’t wait to contact San Francisco equal pay lawyers. Both federal and California law make wage discrimination illegal. Employees who find that they are not being paid the same as their colleagues for similar work could file a lawsuit. Employees must be paid the same regardless of gender, race, or ethnicity.


Civil Rights Attorneys Napa County


Olivier & Schreiber LLP handles civic appeal cases. Contact our San Francisco civil rights lawyers to learn more. The attorneys at Olivier & Schreiber LLP have decades of combined experience handling civil appeals and have achieved significant success on behalf of their clients in the appellate courts.


False Claims Lawyers Oakland


Employees who see safety issues or unlawful conduct in the workplace should be encouraged to speak up, not stay silent in fear of retaliation. Fortunately, state and federal laws provide powerful remedies for employees who voice their concerns and are subjected to reprisals. We have extensive experience using these laws to represent whistleblowers and have recovered tens of millions of dollars on our clients’ behalf.