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Divorce lawyer In Dayton Ohio

In the state of Ohio, where a divorce may be granted based on one of ten different fault grounds, you need an experienced attorney working on your behalf to ensure your rights and interests are protected. Call the experienced Dayton divorce attorneys at Comunale Law today to discuss your case. While an attorney is not required to obtain a divorce in Ohio, proving fault grounds, negotiating property and asset distribution, and filing or defending claims for spousal support all benefit from the help of a trusted legal professional. In addition to drafting and filing the legal documents required to obtain a divorce, your attorney can help ensure your rights are protected in the following matters.


Child custody lawyers dayton ohio

When a child custody issue arises, you need an empathetic and experienced Dayton child custody attorney by your side to zealously advocate for the best interests of you and your child. The first significant issue in any child custody matter is whether one parent will retain sole custody or the parents will share joint custody of a child. With sole custody, the child lives with one parent and that parent makes all of the decisions about the child’s care.